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伦敦( 美联社 ) --首相大卫卡梅隆星期日保证减少税捐以及官僚的繁文缛节来激励英国企业和经济增长。


“有人前几天向我开玩笑,这过去十年是英国中的最大的增长工业是人们书写的规则,”卡梅隆告诉在威尔斯为了第二天的保守党会议而集合的参加者。 “但是它实际上不是笑话。 ”

英国面临从卡梅隆的联合政府减少800亿英镑(1300亿美元)的政府开支,因为其努力使国家最大预算赤字得到控件。 政府已经提高销售税,但是减少服务就像福利事业和提高退休年龄仍然没有到来。







Cameron unveils plan to boost growth in Britain

LONDON (AP) -- Prime Minister David Cameron pledged Sunday to cut taxes and bureaucratic red tape to encourage business and growth in Britain.

The government will take on "the enemies of enterprise" in its budget due later this month, Cameron said, insisting that encouraging enterprise by eliminating bureaucratic hurdles is the only way forward for a country struggling to recover from recession.

"Someone joked to me the other day that the biggest growth industry in Britain this past decade has been the people writing the rules," Cameron told attendees gathered for the second day of Conservative Party conference in Wales. "But actually it's no joke."

Britain is facing 80 billion pounds ($130 billion) of public spending cuts from Cameron's coalition government as it struggles to get the country's large budget deficit under control. The government has already raised sales tax, but cuts on services like welfare and a rise in the retirement age are yet to come.

Cameron took on critics who have complained that the government is stressing public spending cuts more than growth, saying it was "cowardly" to call for cuts to be eased.

"There's only one strategy for growth we can have now and that is rolling up our sleeves and doing everything possible to make it easier for businesses to grow, to invest, to take people on," Cameron said.

He also said he would be watching banks "like a hawk" to make sure they fulfilled lending commitments to small business and conceded that his plan for cuts might not be popular.

Cut are "the only way," Cameron told the crowd.

But on Saturday, Treasury Chief George Osborne hinted some respite from cuts might come in the March 23 budget. He suggested that a proposed 1 pence (2 cent) increase in fuel duty could be scrapped, saying it's clear that Britons are feeling "squeezed" at the pump as turmoil in Libya and the Middle East drives prices higher.




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