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拉斯维加斯( 美联社 ) --微软公司在星期三确认它发展其主要的Windows控制系统的一种版本将涉及手机芯片,首次向基于许多年英特尔技术的芯片提供另一种选择。




ARM提供芯片设计图;但是不制造芯片本身。 用于星期三展示的芯片是高通公司,德克萨斯州仪器公司和恩威迪亚公司制造的。

一个关键缺点是移动到另外一个“处理器体系结构”,当前版本的Windows将不创建程序工作在新的芯片。 像打印机一样的外围设备将同样不工作,没有新的软件助手,或者“驱动程序”

“在引擎下面,有大量的问题要解决,”诺夫斯基说。他展示微软文字处理软件,幻灯片制作,微软网页浏览器以及媒体播放机在ARM运行的版本,但是没有说明第三方开发者将如何处理交换机。 苹果在过去十年掌控处理器体系结构的交换机,但是微软的任务远大的多,因为其与更多得合伙人工作,在硬件并且软件两方面。




Microsoft developing Windows for phone chips

LAS VEGAS (AP) -- Microsoft Corp. confirmed Wednesday that it is developing a version of its main Windows operating system that will run on cell phone chips, providing an alternative for the first time in many years to the chips based on Intel technology.

The new version could take advantage of the power savings provided by cell phone chips, and give Microsoft a better chance of gaining a foothold in the emerging world of tablet computers. Apple Inc.'s hit iPad tablet runs on a cell phone-type chip, which is part of the reason it can last 10 hours on one charge.

Steve Sinofsky, president of the Windows division, demonstrated at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas prototype computers running Windows on chips designed by ARM Holdings, a British company whose technology goes into practically all cell phone chips.

Sinofsky didn't say when the new version of Windows would be available, but intimated that it might be one or a few years away.

ARM provides the core blueprints for the chips, but doesn't make chips itself. The chips used in Wednesday's demonstration were made by Qualcomm Corp., Texas Instruments Inc. and Nvidia Corp.

A key drawback to moving to another "processor architecture" is that programs created for the current version of Windows won't work on the new chips. Peripherals like printers won't work either, without new software aides, or "drivers."

"Under the hood, there's a ton of issues to work out," Sinofsky said. He demonstrated versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Internet Explorer and Media Player running under ARM, but didn't say how third-party developers would deal with the switch. Apple navigated a switch of processor architecture in the last decade, but Microsoft's task is far larger, since it works with far more partners, both on the hardware and software sides.

The Wall Street Journal earlier reported on Microsoft's development of an ARM-based Windows version.

Microsoft already makes software called "Windows" for cell phones, but it has little in common with the software that runs on computers, and doesn't run the same programs.




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