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波特兰,奥勒冈州( 美联社 ) --宝洁公司将在今年年底之后不在与老虎伍兹须续约,增加另外一个名字到公司的名单,切断与打高尔夫球的人的联系,在去年伍兹被揭露婚姻的背信之后。

公司用伍兹,罗杰费德勒,莱昂内尔梅西以及许多其他的运动员,作为其3年“吉列冠军”市场营销活动的一部分。 吉列在星期四说它取消那计划并且与伍兹和若干个其他的运动员不更新合同。其停止用伍兹在活动月以前。

打高尔夫球的人在运动界曾经是最受欢迎的商品宣传者并且是第一次运动员从背书协议中赚得10亿美元。 然而,许多公司减少或疏远伍兹在其丑闻名誉受损超过一年并且占优势大标题几个月之后。

埃森哲咨询公司,美国电话电报有限公司以及佳得乐全部减少伍兹作为一个代言人。诸如吉列以及豪雅表的公司不立刻地结束他们的关系但是停止他为主角 广告。





Gillette wont renew contract with Tiger Woods

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -- Procter & Gamble Co. will not renew its endorsement deal with Tiger Woods at the end of the year, adding another name to the list of companies that cut ties with the golfer after last year's revelations of marital infidelities.

The company used Woods, Roger Federer, Lionel Messi and dozens of other athletes as part of its three-year "Gillette Champions" marketing campaign. Gillette said Thursday it was phasing out that program and not renewing the contract with Woods and several other athletes. It stopped using Woods himself in the campaign months ago.

The golfer was once the most sought-after pitchman in sports and was the first athlete to earn $1 billion from endorsement agreements. However, many corporations cut ties or distanced themselves from Woods after the scandal that broke just over a year ago and dominated headlines for months.

Accenture LLP, AT&T Inc. and Gatorade all dropped Woods as an endorser. Companies such as Gillette and Tag Heuer didn't end their relationships outright but stopped featuring him in advertisements.

Nike Inc. and Electronic Arts, which had more invested in his skills as a golfer rather than a more general symbol of excellence, stuck with him. Woods is trying to rebuild his golf reputation after his first year as a pro golfer without a tournament victory and losing his ranking as the top player in the world.

Gillette is also letting its contracts with other athletes, including soccer players such as Messi, Thierry Henry, and Kaka end as part of the conclusion of the marketing program.

Gillette, however, was keeping some of the athletes -- such as Federer, NHL star Alex Ovechkin and New York Yankees captain Derek Jeter -- for new local marketing campaigns.




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