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华盛顿( 美联社) --美联储准备让健康的银行提高股息支付给投资者。

银行将需要表现给美联储的银行审查主任,银行有良好的财务状况和其有充足的资金吸收潜在的损失—甚至在派发股息之后。美联储新的指导方针被熟知事件的政府官员所告知,其是在匿名的情况下说的,因为指导方针还没有被发布。 他们应该在几个星期之内被发表,官员说。


在金融的危机期间,银行减少他们的派发的股息。 通过提高他们的股息支付,银行可能能够吸引新的投资者。

美联储的调控者监管银行的稳固性。 技术,银行不需要美联储正式的批准发行股息。 但是,实际事实是,银行自从金融危机以来在变动其股息派发之前都会征求美联储,官员说。

如果他们想要增加他们的股息,规定提供一份路线图。 在指导方针下,银行也将需要向美联储显示他们有计划遵守更严格的全球资金要求,最近在瑞士巴塞尔通过的计划。


Fed plan will let healthy banks boost dividends

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Federal Reserve is preparing to let healthy banks boost dividends paid to investors.

Banks would need to show the Fed's bank examiners that they're in good financial health and that they have adequate capital to absorb potential losses -- even after paying the dividend. The Fed's new guidelines were described by a government official with knowledge of the matter who spoke on condition of anonymity because the guidelines haven't been issued. They should be released within several weeks, the official said.

The Fed oversees Wall Street's biggest banks, including Citigroup, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase & Co., and Wells Fargo.

During the financial crisis, banks cut their dividend payments. By boosting their payments, banks may be able to attract new investors.

The Fed's regulators oversee the soundness of banks. Technically, banks don't need the Fed's formal approval to issue a dividend. But as a practical matter, banks since the financial crisis have consulted the Fed before changing their dividend payments, the official said.

The provisions offer banks a roadmap if they want to increase their dividends. Under the guidelines, banks also would need to show the Fed they have a plan to comply with stricter global capital requirements recently agreed to in Basel, Switzerland.

The new global rules are expected to be endorsed by President Barack Obama and other leaders of the Group of 20 major economies when they meet in Nov. 11-12 in Seoul, South Korea.




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