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华盛顿( 美联社 ) --担心是过分渲染美联储帮助经济的计划能释放通货膨胀,主席本伯南克说。


批评家,包括一些美联储的官员,担心所有的钱投入到经济中会引起债券或商品的价格通货膨胀或投机泡沫。 伯南克说那些通货膨胀担心是“夸大的”。在金融的危机期间发动的一个较大的$1.7万亿计划没有导致更高的通货,他指出。 当时经济在坚实的基础上,伯南克表示有信心美联储将能够平稳地吸收所有的前而不影响到经济。






截止到9月的12个月中,消费者价格上升仅仅百分之1.1。 伯南克已说美联储愿意看见通货膨胀接近百分之2,这显示经济正在平稳恢复。



通货收缩是普遍的下跌在价格、工资以及家庭和股票的重视。 这能引起人们推迟购买,因为他们觉得晚些购买可以会有更低的价格。收入下降同样也使其更难偿还债务。 丧失抵押品赎回权上升。破产也如此。 一旦形成,通货收缩很难被政策制定者打破。 通货收缩促成了日本九十年代的“遗失的十年”,而国家仍然与其战斗。


Bernanke defends new Fed plan to aid economy

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Worries are overblown that the Federal Reserve's plan to aid the economy could unleash inflation, Chairman Ben Bernanke said.

Bernanke's comments come hours after the Fed announced Wednesday that it will buy $600 billion worth of government bonds in a bold bid to make loans cheaper, spur spending and invigorate the economy.

Critics, including some Fed officials, fear that all the money being injected into the economy could ignite inflation or speculative bubbles in the prices of bonds or commodities. Bernanke said those inflation fears are "overstated." A larger $1.7 trillion program launched during the financial crisis didn't result in higher inflation, he pointed out. When the economy is on firm footing, Bernanke expressed confidence that the Fed will be able to smoothly soak up all that money without harming the economy.

Bernanke revealed his thoughts in an opinion piece scheduled to be published Thursday in the Washington Post.

The Fed needs to take the action because unemployment is too high and inflation is too low, signs of a still-troubled economy, Bernanke explained.

"We could hardly be satisfied," the Fed chief said.

The unemployment rate stands at 9.6 percent. It's been at least 9.5 percent for 14 months, the longest stretch since the Great Depression.

The "slack" in the economy -- factories running below capacity and companies limiting hiring -- has kept inflation historically low.

In the 12 months that ended in September, consumer prices rose just 1.1 percent. Bernanke has said the Fed would like to see inflation closer to 2 percent to show the economy is making a solid recovery.

The Fed's action on Wednesday also is aimed at nipping any deflationary forces in the bud.

"In the most extreme case, very low inflation can morph into deflation (falling prices and wages), which contribute to long periods of economic stagnation," Bernanke said.

Deflation is a widespread drop in prices, wages and the values of homes and stocks. It can cause people to delay purchases because they feel they can buy later at lower prices. Falling incomes also make it harder to pay debts. Foreclosures rise. So do bankruptcies. Once it takes hold, deflation is hard for policymakers to break. Deflation contributed to Japan's "lost decade" of the 1990s, and the country is still battling it.

"With unemployment high and inflation low, further support to the economy is needed," Bernanke said.




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