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梦工厂动画第三季度利润加倍;3 D强势

洛杉矶( 美联社 ) --梦工厂动画有限公司在星期二说其第三季度收入加倍,由于“怪物史莱克4,”的国际的电影票销售全球提供了一个信号全球的观众仍然对3D电影着迷。

七月到九月的净收入直冲$39.8百万美元,或者每股47分。 今年稍早,其净收入是$19.6百万美元,或者每股23分。

收入上升百分之39到$188.9百万美元,从一年以前的$135.4百万美元。 大多数收入,大约$120.4百万美元,来自“怪物史莱克,”的海外影院的运行,这部电影在美国的五月初次登台。

董事长杰弗里凯森柏消除了担心3D电影可能会是短暂的时尚,或是票被证明是太贵了。 凯森柏说百分之60的票房收入来自“怪物史莱克”3D放映。 他说3D票的额外费用稳定在每张票$3.25到$3.50美元在美国,在其他国家是3欧元。


通过汤姆森路透社的调查分析员预测利润每股35分,收入$163百万美元。代表性的分析员在他们的预测中排除了以前的项目; 在这种情况中,比较分析员评估与梦工厂未作调整作品数量,因为财务总监卢科尔曼说本季度没有特殊项目。

梦工厂已说2010是有史以来最好的一年。 在“怪物史莱克”和“驯龙高手”之后,梦工厂为了其今年的第三部电影做好准备,“超级大坏蛋”,美国的上映日期在11月5日。公司,发布的所有3D电影,计划每两年发布五部电影。

与公司收入强强相关联的电影票、DVD以及蓝光唱片的销售,凯森柏告诉美联社说梦工厂没有看到巨大的机会去尝试提供高价的视讯自选节目一个或二个月的电影的效果放映。 其它工作室准备测试这样一种产品,称作“额外的视频点播”明年初。这个想法是允许人们订购以前播放的电影在他们的家里,通过机顶盒支付$20到$30,这远早于他们能买到光碟的时间。


“他们想要拥有我们的主题,因为他们比一电影更加类似于一个玩具,”他说。 “我们将有可能看见最高的需求是在所有权的模式,与之相反的是按此收费的模式。”

公司的股票,基于格兰岱尔市,洛杉矶 ,在星期二几小时的交易中上升$1.14 75分,或者百分之2.2,到$35.11美元,在关闭之后,上涨$1.14美元,或者百分之3.4,收盘于$34.36。

DreamWorks Animation 3Q profit doubles; 3-D strong

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc. said Tuesday that its third-quarter earnings doubled thanks to international movie ticket sales for "Shrek Forever After," a sign that global audiences are still hooked on 3-D movies.

Net income for July through September hit $39.8 million, or 47 cents per share. A year earlier, it was $19.6 million, or 23 cents per share.

Revenue rose 39 percent to $188.9 million, from $135.4 million a year ago. Most of the revenue, about $120.4 million, came from the overseas theatrical run of "Shrek," which debuted in May in the U.S.

Chief executive Jeffrey Katzenberg quashed concerns that 3-D movies might be a short-lived fad, or that tickets would prove too expensive. Katzenberg said 60 percent of the box office revenues from "Shrek" came from 3-D showings. He said the extra charge for 3-D tickets has stabilized around $3.25 to $3.50 per ticket in the U.S. and 3 euros in other countries.

"The fact that six out of the top 10 domestic films in 2010 are 3-D releases shows that consumers continue to embrace this exciting and revolutionary new format," Katzenberg told analysts on a conference call.

Analysts surveyed by Thomson Reuters forecast a profit of 35 cents per share on revenue of $163 million. Analysts typically exclude one-time items from their estimates; in this case, comparing analyst estimates to DreamWorks' unadjusted numbers works because Chief Financial Officer Lew Coleman said there were no exceptional items in the quarter.

DreamWorks has said 2010 will be its best year ever. After "Shrek" and "How to Train Your Dragon," DreamWorks is gearing up for its third movie of the year, "Megamind," which will be widely released in the U.S. on Nov. 5. The company, which releases all its movies in 3-D, aims to release five movies every two years.

With the company's revenue so strongly tied to sales of theater tickets, DVDs and Blu-ray discs, Katzenberg told the Associated Press that DreamWorks did not see a huge opportunity in trying to offer a high-priced video-on-demand offering within a month or two of a movie's theatrical release. Other studios are preparing to test such a product, called "premium VOD," early next year. The idea is to allow people to order a one-time showing of a movie in their homes through a set-top box for $20 to $30 far earlier than they could buy a disc.

DreamWorks' customers tend to be parents whose children watch movies up to 100 times, he said.

"They want to own our titles because they're more analogous to a toy than a movie," he said. "We will probably see the highest amount of demand is on an ownership model, as opposed to a pay-per-view model."

Shares of the company, based in Glendale, Calif., rose 75 cents, or 2.2 percent, to $35.11 in after-hours trading Tuesday, after closing up $1.14, or 3.4 percent, at $34.36.




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