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最新的业绩包含另一项费用与上面大分支矿山的致命爆炸相关; 这一次是$14.5百万美元。没有费用,公司说这将亏损每股33分。


梅西也减少其对今年和2011年的煤装运的评估,引用经营一些矿山在新的规定之下是非常困难的。 在九月,梅西估计2010年装运将是39百万吨。 新的预测是38.5百万吨。 明年的展望从45百万到51百万吨的范围,降到43百万到47百万吨的范围。


梅西股票在正常交易中下跌72分,收盘于$40.45。 在业绩公布之后,其股票下跌$1.05,或百分之2.6,收盘于$39.40在扩展交易中。


“我们经营在本季度非常努力,但我们对结果表示遗憾,”布兰肯希普说。 他宣誓“重新集中”努力在经营和提高生产能力之上。

公司开始接受刑事及民事调查自从4月在西弗尼吉亚州的上面的大分支矿山上的爆炸导致29名矿工遇难。 它自从1970以来在一个美国的煤矿最致命的事故。


尽管挫折,梅西生产了更多煤并且比一年前更高的收入——上一季度$810.2百万美元,与2009年第三季度$641.6百万美元相比。 每吨收入提高由于高价煤用于发电和制造钢铁。

制造大量的钢铁成本升高到$62.50,从一年以前不到$50美元。 公司将生产力低下的原因归咎于矿山的关闭,更高的劳工流失和支付上涨的矿业作业。


Coal miner Massey Energy swings to 3Q loss

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- Coal company Massey Energy Co. said Tuesday that it lost money in third quarter because of tougher federal regulations after a deadly mine blast hurt production.

Massey lost $41.4 million, or 41 cents per share, compared with net income of $16.5 million, or 19 cents per share, in the same quarter last year.

The latest results included another charge related to the deadly explosion at its Upper Big Branch mine; this time $14.5 million. Without the charge, the company said it would have lost 33 cents per share.

Analysts expected Massey to lose 18 cents per share, not counting items such as the charge.

Massey also reduced its estimate of coal shipments for this year and 2011, citing the difficulty of running some mines under new regulatory requirements. In September, Massey estimated 2010 shipments would be 39 million tons. The new forecast is 38.5 million tons. Next year's outlook dropped from a range of 45 million to 51 million tons, to a range of 43 million to 47 million tons.

The forecast average price per ton for this year fell from $71 to $70.50.

Massey shares fell 72 cents to close at $40.45 in regular trading. They dropped $1.05, or 2.6 percent, to $39.40 in extended trading after the results were released.

CEO Don Blankenship said the company lost shifts and productivity because of tougher enforcement by federal mining regulators.

"Our operations struggled during the quarter and we are clearly disappointed with the results," Blankenship said. He vowed a "refocused" effort on operations and improving productivity.

The company has been under criminal and civil investigations since an April explosion at its Upper Big Branch mine in West Virginia killed 29 miners. It was the deadliest accident in a U.S. coal mine since 1970.

Massey's Revolution mine in West Virginia was shut down in June, and the company has been waiting for federal approval of a new ventilation plan.

Despite the setbacks, Massey produced more coal and generated higher revenue than a year ago -- $810.2 million last quarter, compared with $641.6 million in the third quarter of 2009. Revenue per ton improved due to higher prices on coal used to generate power and make steel.

The cash cost for producing a ton of steel rose to $62.50 from less than $50 a year ago. The company blamed lower productivity due to mine shutdowns, higher labor turnover, and pay increases for mining jobs.




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