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奥巴马: 如果金融法律废止,消费者将受损失

华盛顿( 美联社 ) --总统巴拉克奥巴马说消费者将丢失,如果共和党恢复在国会的权利并尝试重新执行他难得的华尔街翻修。


“没有健全的监管和对消费者的常规拜会,整个经济会置于危险之中,”奥巴马在星期六在他的每星期的广播和网络演讲中说。 “这不是为主要街道而服务。这不是对华尔街而服务。这不是为任何人而服务。”

法律还是通过了尽管遭到几乎共和党意见一致的反对。 其寻求控制金融系统在过时的规则下发展,允许银行、交易商和其他机构增加风险的情况。



奥巴马的演讲不到两周,在选举之前,若不是参议员,选举是共和党接管白宫的好机会。 金融监管措施不是参选的一个主要的问题。

白宫共和党领导人俄亥俄州的约翰博纳提倡废除,最高参议院有共和党。 但是,奥巴马仍然将通过他的否决权进行阻挠。


“我们学习到了经验教训,不只是过去两年没有什么工作,而且最后一次共和党控制国会后也没有什么工作机会,”桑恩说。 “我们下定决心将国家朝正确的方向行进。”

桑恩还说道: “今天你的经济状况是否比两年以前有所好转?”

Obama: Consumers lose if financial law repealed

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama says consumers would lose if Republicans regain power in Congress and try to roll back his hard-won Wall Street overhaul.

He says the GOP's promised repeal of the law would mean the return of a financial system whose near-collapse led to the worst recession since the Depression.

"Without sound oversight and commonsense protections for consumers, the whole economy is put in jeopardy," Obama said Saturday in his weekly radio and Internet address. "That doesn't serve Main Street. That doesn't serve Wall Street. That doesn't serve anyone."

The law passed despite nearly unanimous Republican opposition. It sought to rein in a financial system that had sped ahead of outdated rules, allowing banks, traders and others to take increased risks.

Separate legislation tackled bank overdraft fees and abuses such as retroactive interest rate increases on credit card balances.

The financial overhaul law came in the wake of a $700 billion bank rescue passed in the final months of George W. Bush's presidency. While the bailout is credited with providing stability, it's deeply unpopular with voters angry of taxpayer money being used to help prop up huge banks.

Obama promised that the measure ensures that taxpayers will "never again be on the hook for a bailout."

Obama's address came less than two weeks before elections in which Republicans have a good chance of taking over the House, if not the Senate. The financial regulation measure hasn't been a central campaign issue.

House GOP leader John Boehner of Ohio has called for a repeal, as have top Senate Republicans. But Obama still would stand in the way through his veto power.

In the GOP's weekly message, Sen. John Thune of South Dakota denounced Obama's economic stimulus bill, overhaul of the health care system and plans to allow Bush-era tax cuts for wealthier people to expire.

"We have learned the lessons not only of what hasn't worked over the past two years, but what didn't work the last time Republicans controlled Congress," Thune said. "We are determined to take this country in the right direction."

Added Thune: "Are you better off today than you were two years ago?"




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