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华盛顿( 美联社 ) --结束税收减免奖赏一些带有海外子公司的美国公司并鼓励这些公司在其他国家创造就业机会,总统巴拉克奥巴马与国会叙述中谈到。



 “为什么我们的免税应该积极地奖励他们去创作国外的就业,这是没有理由,”奥巴马星期六在他的每周广播和网络演讲中说。 “相反,我们应该使用我们的税收去鼓励公司创造就业及生意在我们自己的国家。”

尽管奥巴马挑选出共和党人反对派,法案也未能从一些民主党人得到支持,包括参议院财政委员会的主席,森。 马克斯鲍克斯。 他表示关注变化将放在不利于美国的竞争上。






佩洛西和参议院多数党领袖哈利里德,内达华的民主党人 ,说税务问题要在11月2日选举之后被讨论。

在中期选举中,占主导的税收减免已经是总统和共和党之间的争论的焦点。 共和党需要扩展税收减免到全部的美国人,包括最高的收入获得者,而奥巴马想要扩展税收减免仅对中产阶级——那些家庭收入每年少于$250,000的人。

Obama: End tax breaks to stop overseas hiring

WASHINGTON (AP) -- End tax breaks that reward some U.S. companies with overseas subsidiaries and encourage those businesses to create jobs in other countries, President Barack Obama is telling Congress.

Yet it's an idea that has raised concerns even among some lawmakers in the president's own party.

At issue is a bill, now stalled in the Senate, that would do away with some tax credits and deferrals for U.S. companies for operations abroad.

"There is no reason why our tax code should actively reward them for creating jobs overseas," Obama said in his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday. "Instead, we should be using our tax dollars to reward companies that create jobs and businesses within our borders."

Though Obama singled out Republican opposition, the bill also failed to get support from some Democrats, including the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont. He has expressed concern that the change would put the U.S. at a competitive disadvantage.

The ending of the tax provisions has run into opposition from business groups, including the National Association of Manufacturers.

Obama said that while companies that conduct business internationally do make an important contribution to the U.S. economy, it doesn't make sense to grant them tax breaks when companies at home are struggling to rebound from the economic crisis.

Obama has said he wants revenue collected from ending the tax provisions to go to other business tax breaks, by making permanent research and development tax credits and allowing businesses next year to write off all new equipment costs.

In the GOP address, Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., urged House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., to call Congress back into session to take an immediate vote on whether to extend Bush-era tax cuts.

"The prosperity of the American people is more important than the political fortunes of any politician or any political party," Pence said.

Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., have said the tax issue will be taken up after the Nov. 2 election.

The tax cuts have been a point of contention between the president and Republicans in the lead-up to the midterm elections. The GOP wants to extend the tax cuts for all Americans, including the top income earners, while Obama wants to extend the tax cuts only for the middle class -- those families earning less than $250,000 a year.




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