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华盛顿(美联社) --在11月2日选举之前赢得五个星期珍贵的政治胜利,总统巴拉克奥巴马在周一签署法案通过减少税收和创立30十亿美元的贷款基金来帮助小企业扩张和雇佣。

奥巴马说这激励方式将能立即帮助小型企业。 但是,任何雇佣可能不足以在重要的中期选举前帮助一些民主党人,选民预期会对缓慢增长的经济和接近百分之十的失业率的进行发泄。

法案曾经有好几个月被共和党人延迟,阻塞在参议院中。 大多数的共和党反对贷款资金,把它比作2008年金融的工紧急救助并且争辩它将鼓励银行贷款给有风险的借款人。 两共和党参议员,俄亥俄的乔治沃伊诺维奇以及佛罗里达的乔治勒米厄,帮助民主党人这个月打破阻挠议事--和法案通过。


“这是关键的,我们减少税收并且提供更多对企业家可供使用的贷款,”他在在白宫的东厅中签署法案之前说。 “今天,在长期和坚韧的战斗之后,我签署一个小型企业工作法案,正是这么做的。”

法案建立$30十亿政府资金用以帮助鼓励小型企业借贷,许多小企业非常困难从银行得到信用贷款。 资金将可供社区银行使用的,利用这些钱的杠杆作用带来多于数十亿美元的贷款。

立法也包括关于$12十亿小型企业税收减免--八个独立的税收减少在星期一生效。 一这样规定增加投资额$500,000,企业将被允许冲销今年和明年投资额。



“这法案将做两件大事,”奥巴马在签署法案之前说。 “它将减税和它将提供更多可供小型企业使用的贷款。 这是一个美国企业家的重大胜利。”


皮瑞思科德维达,协同企业有限公司的创立人 ,马兰州银春一个信息技术公司,告诉记者由于新的法律她将雇用至少20个人。 她说通过经济刺激及合约提供的资金,她大约雇佣20个人。


Obama signs $30B small business lending bill

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Scoring a prized political victory five weeks before the Nov. 2 elections, President Barack Obama on Monday signed a bill to help small businesses expand and hire by cutting their taxes and creating a $30 billion loan fund.

Obama said the incentives will help small businesses right away. But any hiring may not be enough to help some Democrats ahead of crucial midterm elections in which voters are expected to vent their frustrations over a slow-growing economy and near-10 percent unemployment.

The bill had been delayed for months, blocked in the Senate by Republicans. Most in the GOP objected to the loan fund, comparing it to the 2008 financial industry bailout and arguing that it would encourage banks to make loans to risky borrowers. Two GOP senators, George Voinovich of Ohio and George LeMieux of Florida, helped Democrats break the filibuster this month -- and the bill passed.

Obama said small businesses are "the anchors of our Main Streets," creating most of the jobs in the country.

"It was critical that we cut taxes and make more loans available to entrepreneurs," he said before signing the bill in the East Room of the White House. "Today, after a long and tough fight, I am signing a small business jobs bill that does exactly that."

The bill creates a $30 billion government fund to help encourage lending to small businesses, many of which have been having difficulty securing bank loans and credit. The fund will be available to community banks, which could use the money to leverage billions more in loans.

The legislation also includes about $12 billion in tax breaks for small business -- eight separate tax cuts that take effect Monday. One such provision increases to $500,000 the amount of investments that businesses would be allowed to write off this year and next.

The measure also gives a boost to some Small Business Administration loan programs.

The new law follows earlier administration efforts to help small businesses, including eight different tax cuts as well as a temporary payroll tax holiday for companies that hire people off the unemployment lines.

"This bill will do two big things," Obama said before signing the bill. "It's going to cut taxes and it's going to make more loans available for small businesses. It's a great victory for America's entrepreneurs."

Several business owners who stood with Obama for the signing echoed his sentiments afterward.

Prachee Devada, founder of Synergy Enterprises, Inc., an information technology company in Silver Spring, Md., told reporters that she'll be hiring at least 20 people as a result of the new law. She said she hired about 20 people under contracts funded by the economic stimulus.

"Obviously this bill is making a huge difference to me as a small business," Devada said.



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