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持枪歹徒绑架了9 名墨西哥州警察,2 名发现死亡


费尔南多·蒙雷尔·莱瓦,国家侦查警察的主任,说他署的一个指挥官和一个8名特工的队伍星期五已经去辨认并在该州北部发现了一具尸体。 他说那天下午与小组失去了联系,官员了解到警察被不明的一伙持枪歹徒所扣押。

搜索者在萨尔瓦多附近发现了两具军官的尸体,警察组在那里被绑架,蒙雷尔说。 他说墨西哥军队正在帮助警察搜寻其余失踪的警察。


在格雷罗另一部分,行驶两辆车的身份不明的人把两个人头扔到了Coyuca de Catalan的点心摊内,州警察说。其中一个头用胶带蒙住了眼睛。



一份军事声明说,回应在米纳镇,新莱昂州匿名举报的士兵遭到三名乘坐得克萨斯州牌照的多用途跑车持枪歹徒的射击。 三个袭击者被杀死,军队发现了三支步枪,两枚手榴弹,475颗子弹和四套军用制服,军队说。

星期五晚些时候,士兵发现了辆撞击萨维纳斯伊达尔戈 镇桥墙的一辆运动型多用途车,同样在新莱昂,新闻公告继续发布。




Gunmen kidnap 9 Mexican state lawmen, 2 found dead

ACAPULCO, Mexico – Gunmen kidnapped nine police officers investigating a death in the southern Mexican state of Guerrero, and the bodies of two of the lawmen were found later, authorities said Saturday.

Fernando Monreal Leyva, director of the State Investigative Police, said one of his agency's commanders and a team of eight agents had gone to identify and recover a body in a northern part of the state Friday. He said contact was lost with the group that afternoon, and officials learned the officers had been seized by an unknown gang of gunmen.

Searchers found the bodies of two officers near El Revelado, the community where the police group was kidnapped, Monreal said. He said the Mexican army was helping police search for the other missing officers.

Several drug gangs are battling for control of smuggling routes in Guerrero state.

In another part of Guerrero, unidentified men traveling in two vehicles threw two human heads into a refreshment stand in Coyuca de Catalan, state police said. One of the heads was blindfolded with duct tape.

Monreal said the incident was not connected to the kidnapping of his officers.

In northeastern Mexico, troops killed three suspected drug cartel gunmen in a gunbattle and also freed a kidnap victim near the industrial city of Monterrey, the Defense Department said Saturday.

A military statement said soldiers responding to an anonymous tip in the town of Mina, in Nuevo Leon state, were fired on by three gunmen travelling in an SUV with Texas license plates Friday afternoon. The three attackers were killed, and troops recovered three rifles, two grenades, 475 bullets and four military-style uniforms, the army said.

Later Friday, soldiers came across an SUV that had crashed against the wall of a bridge in the town of Sabinas Hidalgo, also in Nuevo Leon, the press release continued.

Soldiers found a man with a bulletproof jacket inside the vehicle, along with an AK-47 rifle and three ammunition clips. The man allegedly refused to identify himself and was detained. Another person in the car was believed to have been kidnapped and was released by the troops.

Nuevo Leon has seen a surge in drug violence since the Zetas gang split with its former employer, the Gulf cartel.

Across Mexico, drug-gang violence has claimed more than 28,000 lives since December 2006, when President Felipe Calderon took office and deployed thousands of troops and federal police to crack down on the cartels.



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