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华盛顿( 美联社 ) --消费者在7月重新开始借款,在家庭连续23个月减少他们使用信用卡之后,对经济持续回弹的增加了阻力。

美联储在星期三报告,在七月借款拒保的年利率为36亿美元。 在过去的18个月中信用标记17个月下降。




环球透视的高级经济学家格雷戈里大科说,“在需求方面,家庭还是显示出谨慎的态度,因为其面临高失业率,最小幅度工资增长和不佳的住房条件。  在提供方面,严紧的出借仍然是标准”。

七月减少百分之1.8,紧跟着在六月减少百分之0.5。 自从2009年一月以来在信用方面的增加只出现一次,只在一月份上升了百分之1。

各种借款,包括汽车贷款,在五月利润上升百分之1.2,六月上升百分之3.2,在7月上升百分之0.6。 这三个月的增长反映在汽车制造商在衰退期间忍受销售下滑后,在这个夏季汽车销售开始复苏。

在六月信用卡借贷大幅下降百分之7.5后,七月下降百分之6.3。 这类现在已经连续23个月下降,美国人在为改善其家庭经济努力着自从1930年最严重的经济衰退之后。



政府在星期五报告失业率在8月上升到百分之9.6,比七月的百分之9.5有所上升,工作数量降低54,000。 在去年10月最高低迷时期失业率为百分之10.1之后,失业率没有显著改善。


美联储的信用报告覆盖信用卡借款,汽车贷款和其他不涉及担保的不动产贷款。 这不包含住房抵押或房屋净值贷款额度。


Consumers cut back on credit card use once again

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Consumer borrowing fell again in July as households cut back on their credit card use for a 23rd consecutive month, adding more drag on an economy struggling to mount a sustained rebound.

Borrowing dropped at an annual rate of $3.6 billion in July, the Federal Reserve reported Wednesday. That marked the 17th drop in credit in the past 18 months.

Americans did boost borrowing for auto loans in July but this gain was offset by further reductions in the category that includes credit cards.

The latest drop in overall borrowing was slightly higher than economists' expectations and followed a $1.02 billion decline in June, which was revised from an initial estimate that total credit had dropped by $1.3 billion that month.

Analysts said that consumer credit is continuing to be constrained by all the problems facing households including tighter lending standards on the part of banks struggling with high loan losses.

"On the demand side, households continue to show signs of caution as they face high unemployment, minimal wage increases and poor housing conditions," said Gregory Daco, senior U.S. economist at IHS Global Insight. "On the supply side, tight lending remains the norm."

The July decrease represented a 1.8 percent decline in percentage terms and followed a 0.5 percent drop in June. The only increase in credit that has occurred since January 2009 was a small 1 percent rise in January of this year.

Borrowing in the category that includes auto loans rose 0.6 percent in July after gains of 3.2 percent in June and 1.2 percent in May. The three monthly increases reflected a revival of auto sales this summer after automakers endured slumping sales during the recession.

Borrowing on credit cards fell by 6.3 percent in July after a bigger 7.5 percent June decline. This category has now fallen for a record 23 consecutive months as Americans have struggled to repair their household finances after the worst recession since the 1930s.

Households are borrowing less and saving more and that has acted as a drag on the overall economy by lowering consumer spending, which accounts for 70 percent of total economic activity.

Economists expect households will continue to cut back on borrowing as long as incomes and employment don't show significant improvements.

The government reported Friday that the unemployment rate in August climbed to 9.6 percent in August, up from 9.5 percent in July as payroll jobs fell by 54,000. The jobless rate has shown scant improvement after hitting a high for this downturn of 10.1 percent last October.

The long stretch of declining borrowing has left total consumer credit at an annual level of $2.42 trillion, 6.3 percent below the peak set in July 2008 of $2.58 trillion in credit.

The Fed's credit report covers credit card debt, auto loans and other debt not secured by real estate. It does not cover home mortgages or home equity lines of credit.



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