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芝加哥 ( 美联社 ) --煎荷包蛋仍然在菜单上。  但是,在全国范围的餐馆都密切注意鸡蛋供给者,在大量召回有关沙门氏菌的食物后餐馆提醒用餐者半生的食物的危险。

一位在威斯康辛州拥有三家餐馆的老板路易斯 崔考利,其中一家是位于在七月末发生疑似吃了现在被召回的鸡蛋而生病的24个人的地区附近,他说“如果有人要求两面煎鸡蛋,你能做什么?将头骨放在他们的餐桌上”。  “半生的牛肉,不熟的猪肉,鸡肉,蛋,任何东西你要求不全熟的,都将使你自己处于风险中”。

因此,与其在菜单上剔除鸡蛋,许多餐馆老板更依赖于关于吃不熟食物的危险警告长期放在菜单上。 同时,服务员所防范的问题是要关心顾客是否担心他们所提供的服务不安全。

在亚特兰大西方鸡蛋咖啡馆,生意在上周末开始兴旺起来当顾客在三天过程中吃了几乎2,900个蛋。 厨师长派翠克贝尔说,仍然,一些用餐者为了确保还是会询问鸡蛋是否安全,。 餐馆的鸡蛋没有受到被召回的影响,迄今为止,他说没有任何人改变他们的早餐菜单。


但是,在这样爆发之外,沙门氏菌在美国每年中售出的大概80十亿的鸡蛋的壳中时常会偶然的出现。 典型的有害的细菌污染10,000到20,000个蛋中的一个。

一位在在北卡罗来纳州大学的专攻食品安全的教授助理本杰明查普曼说风险是来自于那些喜欢将鸡蛋的蛋黄不烹饪到固体的人。 “如果说风险,这很难说,这不同于两周或两年以前”。


召回不足使查尔斯 梅特勒被吓倒,当他停留在衣阿华得梅因的德克士餐馆时,他在星期二点了火腿蛋松饼。


国家餐馆协会的一位发言人说他尚未听到任何餐馆完全将鸡蛋剔除出菜单的,或者替换那些无壳加热就可以杀死细菌的巴氏消毒的鸡蛋。 鸡蛋也一般地仅仅能被煎炸或者被用作一个配料。



上星期晚些时候,当有关两个衣阿华农场爆发召回的新闻发生,华夫屋餐馆的经理人仍然指定烹调鸡蛋但是将提示函寄到1600个他们的每一个分店,提示员工在提供服务之前要确保烹调的鸡蛋要彻底煮熟的重要性。 公司说其餐馆中的28个由于召回不得不取消鸡蛋的装运。

在丹尼的公司,33家餐馆收到找回的蛋,公司的人员注意提醒顾客在他们的菜单警告: “鸡蛋的烹饪方式有双面煎、水煮的、单煎一面的荷包蛋、半熟的白煮蛋都可以是未煮熟的,并且仅提供给顾客有要求的情况下”。

查普曼说,餐馆需要存储鸡蛋在45度以下为了减缓沙门氏菌的增加。 当蛋黄不再是流体时,他们也应该烹调他们直到超过145度的标记。


自从顾客在六月末的周末变得生病,他和家庭所拥有的餐馆生意下降了近一半。 当调查人员正在设法弄清爆发的源头,他停工一个星期并且在公共卫生官员追踪细菌的来源之前,与其它材料一同扔掉了超过1,400个鸡蛋。

崔考利目前面临最少5件诉讼,他说“我们从开始就小心谨慎。 我们经营一家清洁的餐馆,这里没有任何变化”。

Restaurants scramble after massive egg recall

CHICAGO (AP) -- Eggs sunny-side-up are still on the menu. But restaurants nationwide are keeping a closer eye on egg suppliers and reminding diners of the dangers of undercooked food after a massive recall tied to a salmonella outbreak.

"If someone asks for eggs over-easy, what do you do, put a skull and crossbones on their table?" said Louis Tricoli, who owns three Wisconsin restaurants with his family, including one where nearly two dozen people were sickened in late June after likely eating the now-recalled eggs. "Undercooked beef, undercooked pork, chicken, eggs, anything you ask to be undercooked, it's at your own risk."

And so, instead of taking eggs off the menu, many restaurateurs are relying on long-standing menu warnings about the dangers of eating undercooked food. And waitstaffs are fielding questions from concerned guests worried that what they're being served may not be safe.

At Atlanta's West Egg Cafe, business was brisk last weekend when customers chowed through nearly 2,900 eggs over the course of three days. Still, some diners made sure to ask whether the eggs were safe, said Chef Patric Bell. The restaurant's eggs weren't affected by the recall and he said so far no one was changing their breakfast orders.

"If I couldn't get eggs that were safe, I wouldn't serve them at all," he said.

Two Iowa farms, Wright County Egg and Hillandale Farms, recalled about 550 million eggs last week after learning that salmonella may have sickened as many as 1,300 people.

But outside of such outbreaks, salmonella is always occasionally present in the roughly 80 billion eggs sold in their shell in the U.S. each year. The harmful bacteria typically contaminate one out of every 10,000 to 20,000 eggs.

That risk is always there for people who like eggs that aren't cooked until the yolks are solid, said Benjamin Chapman, an assistant professor specializing in food safety at North Carolina State University. "It's difficult to say if the risk is any different than it was two weeks ago or two years ago."

Restaurants can sometimes be breeding grounds for outbreaks if they crack many eggs into a single container when preparing them, which could allow one bad egg to contaminate a whole batch.

The recall isn't enough to scare off Charles Mettler, who ordered an eggs Benedict on Tuesday when he stopped by Drake Diner's in Des Moines, Iowa.

"I'm probably more worried about the Hollandaise sauce as far as cholesterol." Mettler said.

A spokesman for the National Restaurant Association said he hadn't heard of any restaurants dropping eggs from the menu entirely, or switching to pasteurized eggs, which are unshelled eggs heated to kill bacteria. They can also generally only be scrambled or used as an ingredient.

But about a dozen major restaurant chains and many individual restaurants contacted by The Associated Press said they're monitoring the outbreak that's sickened about 1,300 people so far.

The number of illnesses, which can be life-threatening, especially to those with weakened immune systems, is expected to increase.

Late last week, as news the recall linked to two Iowa farms erupted, executives at Waffle House is still cooking eggs to order but sent reminders to each of their 1,600 locations reminding staff about the importance of thoroughly cooking eggs before serving them. The company said 28 of its restaurants had to destroy egg shipments because of the recall.

At Denny's Corp., where 33 restaurants received recalled eggs, officials are careful to remind customers of their menu warning: "Eggs served over-easy, poached, sunny side-up and soft-boiled may be undercooked and will only be served at the customers' request."

Restaurants need to store eggs below 45 degrees in order to slow growth of salmonella, Chapman said. They also should cook them past the 145-degree mark, when yolks are no longer runny.

That may not have been enough to protect Tricoli's Baker Street restaurant in Kenosha, Wis.

Since customers became ill during a weekend in late June, business is down by half at the restaurant he owns with his family. While investigators worked to figure out the source of the outbreak, he shut down for a week and threw out more than 1,400 eggs along with other ingredients before public health officials traced the source of the bacteria.

"We were cautious from the get-go," said Tricoli, who's now facing at least five lawsuits. "We run a clean restaurant, there's nothing to change."




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