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马德里/瓦加杜古(路透社) –两名遭基地组织北非分支绑架的西班牙救援人员在星期一被释放后返回巴塞罗那,结束历时近九个月的绑架。
伊斯兰马格里布的基地组织扣押了艾伯特·比拉尔塔 和罗克·帕斯夸尔,去年十一月他们与一救援物资护送队正途径毛利塔尼亚,是组织声称的一系列劫持中最新的一次。


“对于罗克的和我这真是难忘的一天。 对我们的确是重要一天因为我们在艰苦的条件下被绑架了九个月之久,但我们现在自由了。我十分开心。”比拉尔塔 在机场向新闻界发表评论中说。

“他们对我们很好--我们像他们那样生活,我们像他们那样吃,我们像他们那样睡觉。  但是,在沙漠中是非常艰难的,他们习惯了,可是我们却没有。”他补充说。






“我们不能继续走这条路。”她说,保证欧盟将在九月联合国大会上提交关于救援人员安全和保障的决议草案 。


释放看似与本月早些时候毛利塔尼亚遣返一名因绑架比拉尔塔 、帕斯夸尔 和加梅斯而犯罪的激进分子到马里有关系,一个欧洲安全分析师星期一说。



马里今年早些时候为交换法国人质皮埃尔·卡马特释放了4名回教徒囚犯,前者在二月由伊斯兰马格里布的基地组织释放。 马里因为此举受到区域邻居阿尔及利亚、毛利塔尼亚和尼日尔的批评。

该组织前身是阿尔及利亚萨拉菲斯特运动,此后向南转移到广阔没有法纪的萨赫勒,去年在伦敦 谢绝屈服于它们的要求后又杀死了英国俘虏埃德温·代尔。



Freed al Qaeda hostages arrive back in Spain

MADRID/OUGADOUGOU (Reuters) – Two Spanish aid workers  held by al Qaeda's North African wing returned to Barcelona after being freed on Monday, ending a kidnapping that lasted nearly nine months.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) seized Albert Vilalta and Roque Pascual while they were traveling through Mauritania with a relief aid convoy last November, the latest in a string of abductions claimed by the group.

The two landed at Barcelona's El Prat airport at about 7:30 p.m. EDT, where they were met by family, friends, and colleagues, including Alicia Gamez, who was kidnapped with them and released in March.

"It's a great day for Roque and for me. It's a really important day for us as we have been kidnapped for nine months in tough conditions but now we are free. I am very happy," said Vilalta in comments to the press at the airport.

"They have treated us well - we have lived like they have, we've eaten like they have, we've slept like they have. But it was very hard in the middle of the desert, they are used to it, but we're not," he added.

Earlier the two, who worked for the Barcelona-Accio Solidario aid group, were received by Burkina Faso President Blaise Compaore, a key player in efforts to end earlier kidnapping dramas.

"They are safe and sound after 268 days in the hands of their kidnappers and (after 268 days) of the Spanish government's concern and efforts to obtain their release," Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero told a news conference in Madrid earlier on Monday.

AQIM has said Spain is one of its targets because it is an ally of the United States and part of NATO. In an audio statement sent late on Monday to El Pais newspaper AQIM said Spain had met some of its demands for the release of the two workers and that Madrid's stance should serve as a lesson for France's secret services.

Last month, AQIM killed a 78-year-old French hostage, Michel Germaneau, after a raid in the Sahara desert involving French troops failed to free him.

EU Aid Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva said on Monday aid workers were being increasingly targeted, with 102 killed last year -- more than the death toll among U.N. peacekeepers.

"We cannot continue down this road," she said, promising the EU would present to the UN General Assembly in September a draft resolution on safety and security of aid workers.


The release appeared to be linked to Mauritania's repatriation to Mali earlier this month of a militant convicted of the kidnapping of Vilalta, Pascual and Gamez, a European security analyst said on Monday.

"There was a swap, though it is unclear if there was also a ransom paid," the analyst said on condition of anonymity.

Officials in Mauritania and Mali have declined to comment on whether the extradition of Omar Sid-Ahmed Ould Hamma, alias Omar Sahraoui, to his home country was linked to efforts to free the hostages.

Mali released four Islamist prisoners earlier this year in an apparent swap for French hostage Pierre Camatte, freed by AQIM in February. Mali was criticized for the move by regional neighbors Algeria, Mauritania and Niger.

The group, which grew out of the Salafist movement in Algeria and has since shifted south into the vast and lawless Sahel, also killed British captive Edwin Dyer last year after London refused to give in to its demands.

Security analysts believe AQIM is less ideological than opportunistic -- raising funds by ransoming hostages and getting involved in drug trafficking.

Algeria, Mali, Mauritania and Niger are trying to improve their cooperation to counter AQIM, which analysts fear could pose a threat to oil and mineral investments in the region.



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