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西雅图 ( 美联社) -- 个人电脑制造者戴尔公司在星期四说在会计的第二季度其净收入增加了百分之16,因为商业替换老化技术,这是获利的方法之一。


连同许多技术工业一样,戴尔在经济衰退最严重的时期经营也同样艰难,因为公司停止升级他们的产品。 戴尔第一季度的业绩显示公司业务要开始更替旧技术,通过购买新的服务器和其他幕后的技术。

但是,戴尔商业更加依赖于把笔记本电脑和台式机出售到企业。 在财务第二季度中,截止到7月30日,公司比前一年相比下,开始花费更多在个人电脑上,同样也在服务器、存储和技术咨询服务上。

斯蒂芬 斯楚布洛克,戴尔大型事业部的部长说,他的部门季度结果是“更接近经济衰退前需求水平”。

世界第二大电脑制造商在陷入窘境时的收入为545百万美元,或者每股28分。 在前一年的同时期,戴尔的收入是472百万美元,或每股24分。


税收上升了百分之22, 从$12.8十亿到$15.5 。 这远超过分析师所预测的$15.2十亿。

但是,戴尔的毛利率--在减去制造成本之后剩余的收入百分比——- 与一年前的百分之18.7,下降为百分之16.6。 价格对一些台式机的部件仍然是高的,包括储存器和液晶屏,占四分之一。 戴尔也说个人电脑销售,这比服务器和其它公司的技术产品利润都要低,构成销售的一个更大的百分比到企业去。

在季度中,当戴尔企业生意强时,其消费者生意就相对落后。 增加笔记本电脑和台式电脑收入-——分别地上涨到百分之17和百分之22-——应该完全到销售到公司。 戴尔说一年之前从销售个人电脑部可以比较容易获得收入。 这部门通报的营业损失为$21百万。

布莱恩 格莱登,戴尔的财务总监,在一次采访中说消费者对于个人电脑的需求在第二季度的后期有所下降。



惠普公司,在世界上的最大的个人电脑制造者,在星期四也报告季度的结果。 公司说在消费笔记本电脑市场看见一些“柔弱”,而那往开学购物开始“比我们预计的有些晚”。


戴尔的股票,这基于得克萨斯朗德罗克,在星期四公布结果之后几小时的交易后滑落34分,或百分之2.8,到11.7,美元。 更稍早,戴尔失去15分在正常交易结束时股价为12.04美元。

Dell 2Q net income rises 16 percent

SEATTLE (AP) -- PC maker Dell Inc. said Thursday its net income improved 16 percent in the fiscal second quarter as businesses replaced aging technology, though a key profit measure fell.

The majority of Dell's revenue comes from selling technology to other companies, so its results offer a gauge of the economic recovery in the form of business spending on technology.

Along with much of the technology industry, Dell fared poorly during the worst of the recession as companies held off upgrading their systems. Dell's first-quarter results had showed businesses started replacing aging technology by buying new servers and other behind-the-scenes technology.

But Dell's business is more dependent on selling laptops and desktops to businesses. In the fiscal second quarter, which ended July 30, companies started spending more on PCs for employees, as well as on servers, storage and technology consulting services, compared with the previous year.

Stephen Schuckenbrock, president of Dell's large enterprise segment, said quarterly results for his group were "closer to pre-recession demand levels."

That pushed earnings for the world's second-largest computer maker up to $545 million, or 28 cents per share. It was $472 million, or 24 cents a share, in the same period a year earlier.

Excluding certain items, Dell's net income was 32 cents per share, two cents better than Wall Street expected, according to a Thomson Reuters poll of analysts.

Revenue rose 22 percent to $15.5 billion, from $12.8 billion. That's more than the $15.2 billion analysts predicted.

But Dell's gross profit margin -- the percentage of revenue left after subtracting the cost of making products -- fell to 16.6 percent from 18.7 percent a year ago. Prices remained high for some PC components, including memory and LCD screens, in the quarter. Dell also said PCs, which are less profitable than servers and other corporate technology products, made up a greater percentage of sales to businesses.

While Dell's corporate business was strong, its consumer business lagged in the quarter. Increases in laptop and desktop PC revenue -- 17 percent and 22 percent, respectively -- were due entirely to sales to corporations. Dell said revenue from the consumer PC division was flat from a year earlier. That division posted an operating loss of $21 million.

Brian Gladden, Dell's chief financial officer, said in an interview that demand for consumer PCs dropped off in the second half of the quarter.

While Dell said it expects sales to businesses to continue to be strong for the next few quarters, the company was slightly more hesitant about the immediate prospects for consumer sales.

During a conference call, Gladden said the back-to-school shopping season has also been "a little weaker than we would have expected."

Hewlett-Packard Co., the largest PC maker in the world, also reported quarterly results Thursday. The company said it saw some "softness" in the consumer laptop market, and that back-to-school shopping started "somewhat late for us."

HP, another major beneficiary of businesses' technology spending spree, met Wall Street's expectations, with net income rising 6 percent on an 11 percent gain in revenue.

Shares of Dell, which is based in Round Rock, Texas, slipped 34 cents, or 2.8 percent, to $11.70 in after-hours trading after the release of results Thursday. Earlier, Dell lost 15 cents to close regular trading at $12.04.



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