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纽约(美联社 ) --油价在星期二第五个交易日中首次出现上涨,同样的股票价格由于经济利好消息也上涨,而对于担忧经济复苏的情绪也有所减轻。


由于汽油的价格下降,司机在加油站支付的减少,从星期一下下降接近一美分到国家平均水平大约2.74美元一加仑——对于常规无铅汽油。 这比一个星期前低将近4美分,比去年同时期高10美分。

较低的原油价格和较弱的需求导致汽油价格持续受到抑制。 “八月初预期是汽油需求较重的一时期,但是国家的最年轻司机们比往年有兼职的数量有所减少”,美国能源的顾问卡梅隆汉诺威说。 “大多数想找工作的失业者意味着更少的人会开车上班”。

在政府报告之后,油价格和股票升高,自从三月起批发价格在上月首次出现上涨,工业的生产七月升高超过了经济学家期待。 油和股票的价格几乎在最近的几星期中一前一后变动,商品投资者关注股票市场在哪里是经济走向的信号。

道琼斯工业平均指数收盘几乎接近104个点。 NASDAQ和标准普尔500也同样走高。
“今天,看来似乎市场信心已经强有力的提升”,一份来自伦敦苏克敦调查的报告中说到。 “然而,在能源市场交易条件似乎仍然保持不稳定与不安,如同桌上留有不稳定的残余一样”。

“投资者不可能任何时间或很快的完全回到石油市场”,卡梅隆汉诺威注意到。 “在这阶段,他们似乎会观望,等待其他人,当买价更高一些”。

在其它纽约商业交易所的贸易九月合同中,民用燃料油增加3.71美分,定价在2.0259美元一加仑;汽油升高2.89美分,定价在1.9532美元一加仑。 在纽约商业交易所中,天然气从中获益3.9美分,定价与4.267美元每一千立方英尺。


Oil breaks losing streak, prices climb

NEW YORK (AP) -- Oil rose for the first time in five trading sessions on Tuesday as stock prices climbed with better economic news, and worries about the economic recovery eased.

Benchmark crude rose 53 cents to settle at $75.77 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.

Drivers shelled out less at the pump as gas prices fell again, down almost a penny from Monday to a national average of about $2.74 a gallon for unleaded regular. That's almost 4 cents below a week ago and 10 cents higher than a year ago.

Lower crude oil prices and soft demand are keeping gas prices in check. "Early August is supposed to be a period of heavy gasoline demand, but the nation's youngest drivers have fewer part-time jobs than has been the case in a number of years," U.S. energy consultants Cameron Hanover said. "The large number of would-be workers without jobs means that fewer people are driving to work."

Oil prices rose with stocks after the government reported that wholesale prices increased last month for the first time since March, and industrial production in July rose more than economists expected. Oil and stock prices have moved nearly in tandem in recent weeks as commodities investors look to the stock market for signs of where the economy is headed.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed up almost 104 points. The NASDAQ and the S&P 500 were higher as well.

"Today, it seems that the market sentiment has strongly improved," said a report from Sucden Research in London. "However, trading conditions are likely to remain quite volatile and nervous in the energy market, as uncertainty remains on the table."

"Investors are unlikely to be jumping back into oil with both feet any time, soon," Cameron Hanover noted. "At this stage, they seem to be holding on, waiting for someone else to bid prices higher."

In other Nymex trading in September contracts, heating oil added 3.71 cents to settle at $2.0259 a gallon and gasoline rose 2.89 cents to settle at $1.9532 a gallon. Natural gas gained by 3.9 cents to settle at $4.267 per 1,000 cubic feet on the Nymex.

In London, Brent crude was up $1.30 to settle at $77.46 a barrel on the ICE Futures exchange.

Associated Press writer Pablo Gorondi in Hungary contributed to this report.



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