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今年,哈佛大学重新获得美国新闻与世界报道关于2011年国立大学排名的首位,独占鳌头。 去年,哈佛大学和普林斯顿大学并列第一,但是普林斯顿在这些大型研究定向研究机构的2011年的排名下降为第二。 威廉学院能再一次能自夸它是国家顶级文理学院——这一类学校更多的侧重于本科教育,威廉学院的排名连续两年在同类的马萨诸塞州人文学院和阿莫斯科特学院之前。

这标明第27年美国新闻已出版学院排名。 尽管排名最高的学校获得很多荣耀,但对于考虑申报像哈弗和威廉一样学校的学生排名并不会产生好处。 美国新闻使用其学院数据的数组来洞察学生各种各样的学术和社会经济的背景。 这有一张最好学校乙等成绩学生的名单,历史的上排名最差的学院和大学,同时还有最不同的国家大学的排名。 尽管金融危机最坏的时期似乎已经过去,在高等教育日益增长地花费中找到价值仍然是在选择学校中最重要的,也许也不是最重要的因素。 为了迎合这种需求,美国新闻已经编写了最有价值的国家的大学和国家的文理科学院的列表,这些学校排名主要依据平均的消费——之后需要考虑的基础是奖学金——以及学术等级。

国家大学和国家人文学院列表是仅仅两个、几个机构的排名。一部分是美国新闻评选的最好的学院。 地区的学院和大学,着重趋向于从他们的本地的区域评选,并且倾向提供较少的博士学位计划,单独地进行评价。 分别在北方、南方、中部和西部,维纳诺瓦大学,罗林斯学院,克瑞顿大学,和三一大学是地区大学中被认为是最佳的,这些学校提供硕士学位,在过去被排名为“硕士的大学”。 在公认为最好的地区学院中提供学士学位的,在以前的排名中被归类为“学士学位学院”的是—北方的美国海岸警卫学院,南方的奥奇塔浸会大学,中西部的泰勒大学,和西方的美国空军学院。

尽管加利福尼亚公众教育的系统被金融的动乱和预算上的减少所困扰,但两所国家的学校被评选为最高的公众国家的大学。 加利福尼亚伯克利大学,排名22位的国家大学,被公认为最好的公众学校,其后是加利福尼亚洛杉矶大学。 公众排名前五名中其余的是: 弗吉尼亚大学,美国密西根大学,和北卡莱罗纳教堂山大学。

尽管排名在先的学校由于其专业的教学标准应当得到赞许,他们不应该接受所有的荣誉。 美国新闻向名校的管理者提出,他们认为学校不得不尽快提高他们的学术水平和改进其校园设施。 基于这个结果,美国新闻从几个类别排名出最“有潜力”的学校。 巴尔的摩的马里兰大学决心要是最快速的改进的国家大学和汉德里克斯学院得到最好的国家的人文学院。 最有潜力的地区大学是在北方的瓦格纳学院,南方的依隆大学,中西部的巴特勒大学以及西方的艾柏林基督教大学。

Best Colleges 2011

This year, Harvard University regained sole possession of the top spot in U.S.News & World Report's Best Colleges 2011 rankings of national universities. Last year, Harvard and Princeton University tied for first, but Princeton fell to second in the 2011 rankings of these large, research-oriented institutions. Williams College can once again boast that it's the nation's top-ranked national liberal arts college —a category of schools that place a higher emphasis on undergraduate education—as it ranked a spot ahead of fellow Massachusetts liberal arts school Amherst College for the second consecutive year.

This marks the 27th year that U.S. News has published college rankings. Though the top-ranked schools garner much acclaim, the rankings aren't produced simply to benefit students who are considering attending institutions like Harvard and Williams. U.S. News uses its array of college data to provide insight to students of various academic and socioeconomic backgrounds. There is a list of the best schools for B students, rankings of historically black colleges and universities, as well as rankings of the most diverse national universities. And though the worst of the financial crisis seems to have passed, finding value in the increasingly expensive world of higher education is still one of the most important — if not the most important —factors in choosing a school. To meet that need, U.S. News has compiled best value lists for national universities and national liberal arts colleges, which rank schools based on the average cost of attending — after need-based grants are taken into account — relative to their academic ranking.

The National Universities and National Liberal Arts Colleges lists are just two of several sets of rankings that are a part of U.S. News's evaluation of Best Colleges. Regional colleges and universities, which tend to draw heavily from their local area, and tend to have sparse doctoral program offerings, are ranked separately. Villanova University, Rollins College, Creighton University, and Trinity University are the top-ranked Regional Universities — schools that offer degrees up to the master's level and were ranked as "Master's Universities" in the past — in the North, South, Midwest and West, respectively. The top-ranked Regional Colleges — schools that offer bachelor's degrees and were classified as "Baccalaureate Colleges" in previous rankings — are the United States Coast Guard Academy in the North, Ouachita Baptist University in the South, Taylor University in the Midwest, and the United States Air Force Academy in the West.

Though California's public educational system is plagued by financial unrest and budget cutbacks, two of the state's schools are ranked as the top public national universities. The University of California-Berkeley, which is the 22nd ranked national university, is the top-ranked public school, followed by the University of California-Los Angeles. Rounding out the top five publics: University of Virginia, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.

Though schools at the top of the rankings deserve praise for their sterling academic standards, they shouldn't receive all of the credit. U.S. News asked college administrators to name schools they believe to have made sharp improvements to their academics and campus facilities. Based on the results, U.S. News ranked the top "Up and Comers" across several categories. The University of Maryland-Baltimore County was determined to be the fastest-improving national university and Hendrix College earned top billing for National Liberal Arts Colleges. The best up-and-coming Regional Universities are Wagner College in the North, Elon University in the South, Butler University in the Midwest and Abilene Christian University in the West.



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