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华盛顿 ( 美联社 ) --在近四年中,银行首次放宽了小型企业借贷的标准,美联储在星期一说。


银行被报导一直为了大的公司放松的信誉标准。 但是,新的调查表明首次有迹象信贷开始对小公司放松。

那是让小型企业的受欢迎的新闻。 自从在经济衰退的冲击下,许多公司抱怨在保持运营下借贷是困难重重。

美联储说自从2006末开始这是第一次对小型企业放松借贷标准。 美联储定义的小型公司是指那些每年收入少于50百万美元的企业。



“至少贷款人不再惊慌”,大卫怀斯说到,纽约标准普尔的首席经济学家。 “这渐进的改进对于经济是重要的,因为小型企业趋向于大量工作岗位的创造者”。

美联储最近一次的季度报告中关于借贷的部分是基于在7月末收到的一份调查完成的。 报告中发现在信贷领域的许多改善是银行面对竞争来提供信贷。

调查发现放松标准集中于大型的国内银行。 大多数银行仍然对于信贷需求采取不活跃的方式。


据报道一些大的银行主要针对按揭贷款放松标准。 银行也愿意增加消费者分期付款贷款。 一小部分企业还会放松信用卡和其他类型的消费贷款的标准。

美联储在上个月举行了一场有关小企业信贷紧缩问题的会议。 美联邦储备主席本 伯南克注意到有着现金和雄厚收入的大型企业与在尽力争取信贷的成千上万的小企业之间有着严重的差距。



Fed survey finds easier business lending standards

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Banks have eased lending standards for small businesses for the first time in nearly four years, the Federal Reserve said Monday .

In its new survey of bank lending practices, the Fed found that the loosening of loan standards was occurring primarily at the country's largest domestic banks.

Banks had been reporting relaxed credit standards for big corporations. But the new survey marked the first indication that credit was beginning to ease for smaller companies.

That could be welcome news for small businesses. Many have complained since the recession hit that they were having more trouble borrowing money to keep operating.

The Fed said it was the first time it had found relaxed lending standards being imposed on small businesses since late 2006. The Fed defined small firms as those with annual sales of less than $50 million.

"After three years of tightening credit conditions, this is the first real sign that banks are feeling more comfortable and are starting to ease lending standards," said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics. "Credit conditions are still incredibly tight, but at least they are easing a bit."

Many economists said they did not look for a rapid improvement in credit conditions, given that the economy remains weak and banks remain nervous about making new loans.

"At least lenders aren't panicking any more," said David Wyss, chief economist at Standard & Poor's in New York. "This gradual improvement is important for the economy because small businesses tend to be big job creators."

The Fed's latest quarterly report on lending was based on responses received to a survey done in late July. It found that the most improvement came in loan areas where banks were facing competition to offer credit.

The survey found that the easing of standards was concentrated at large domestic banks. Most banks were still reporting lackluster demand for credit.

In addition to easier terms for business loans, many large banks also reported having eased standards on various types of consumer loans.

Some large banks reported that they had loosened standards for prime mortgage loans. The banks also reported an increased willingness to make consumer installment loans. A smaller proportion of banks reported that they had eased lending standards on both credit card and other types of consumer loans.

The Fed held a conference on the problem of tight credit to small businesses last month. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke noted a serious gap between large corporations who are building up cash and reporting strong earnings and the thousands of small businesses who are struggling to get credit.

Bernanke said banking regulators were applying pressure to get more credit flowing to small businesses, who hire more than half of American workers.

"Making credit accessible to sound small businesses is crucial to our economic recovery," Bernanke had said at the July 12 conference.



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